Where Will The Next Mega-Rich Come From?

The focus is always the middle-class buying power when talking about emerging markets. But what about those emerging into the mega bucks league? Where will they come from and what will they want the world around them to be like?

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Are Business Leaders Ready For The Power Tilt?

There are five key power shifts that are in progress according to business adviser, author and speaker Ram Charan. He says that most global business leaders are not preparing/prepared for this ’tilt’ and advises them to:

  • “Rethink reliance on core competence.  Successful leaders of the future will not necessarily build on their core competencies or stick to their knitting. They are willing to identify long-term, large-scale opportunities and grow the capabilities they need to turn them into reality.
  • Get ready for strategic bets. Succeeding in a tilted world requires that you know when it’s the right time to make a big shift in direction or resources  for offensive or defensive reasons. You’ll need courage to make the call amid ambiguous information and toughness to withstand the push back you’re likely to get for such decisions.
  • Fight the short-term beast.  The biggest challenge for publicly traded companies in the North is to think long-term while keeping Wall Street happy in the short-term.  It can be done, provided you communicate well with the board and the investment community and deliver on the short-term commitments that build toward the future.”

Why is he recommending such a dramatic shift in thinking? What are these shifts he is talking about?

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